Italian A1 Vocabulary Anki

Italian A1 Vocabulary Anki

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Do you want to learn the Italian A1 vocabulary in the most effective and efficient way possible?

If so, the Italian A1 Vocabulary Anki Deck is the best solution for you!

In this post I am going to explain everything you need to know about why you should use the Italian A1 Vocabulary Anki Deck, what it is, and how to get it!

Here’s a video that shows you the content of the Italian A1 Vocabulary Anki Deck:

If you would like to read rather than watch, then please go ahead and keep reading!

Why should you use the Italian A1 Vocabulary Anki Deck?

  1. You will be able to understand and use almost all of the spoken language

Understanding and using the most common words is very important when it comes to speaking a language. According to a study by Professor Stuart Webb and Thi Ngoc Yen Dang, knowing the top 1000 most common words enables you to comprehend up to 85% of the language. Learning the next 1000 words only allows you to understand 3-10% more.

In essence, those initial 1000 words are essential, allowing you to grasp nearly all spoken language. It makes sense when you consider that everyday conversation relies more on words such as ‘dog,’ ‘house,’ and ‘red’ than on ‘ostentatious,’ ‘symbiosis,’ and ‘nonplussed.’

Learning the 929 Italian words in this Anki Deck gives you an excellent foundation that will allow you to understand everyday conversations and join those conversations too.

  1. Practice the Italian A1 Vocabulary

The Italian A1 Vocabulary Anki Deck has 1858 flashcards. These flashcards contain every single concept that you need to know! This means you have a tremendous amount of exercises. The best part is that the exercises will adapt to your performance, creating a personalized practice experience.

This gives you a tailor-made practice deck. You will be able to practice every single facet of Italian A1 vocabulary.

  1. Improve your Italian Comprehension and Pronunciation

All of the flashcards in the Italian A1 Vocabulary Anki Deck have audio files. Each word is accompanied by two audio files: one for the sentence it’s in and another for the word itself.

This means that you will know how the words and sentences are supposed to sound in Italian. This will greatly improve your Italian comprehension. Moreover, because you hear the audio, you also improve your own pronunciation.

Additionally, for further clarity, the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is provided for all words and sentences. This means that you can check pronunciation whenever needed.

  1. The best way to memorize the Italian A1 vocabulary

One of the biggest advantages of using the Italian A1 Vocabulary Anki Deck, is that it is the PERFECT tool for memorizing what you have learned. No longer will you keep forgetting what you studied!

Read more on the benefits of Anki in the next chapter!

Why is it so important to use Anki?

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Have you ever studied for an exam and then forgotten everything a few days after the exam? It is a feeling that most of us experience.

In fact, according to Art Kohn Ph.D, a professor at Duke University, within 24 hours most of us forget an average of 70% of new information.

Often this would not be a problem. However, when it comes to language this can become a huge issue. Learning vocabulary and grammar to then forget them later on would be a disaster!

Anki prevents this from happening and ensures that you remember what you study. Let’s take a look at the 3 reasons why Anki is so effective.

  1. Active recall

Active recall means that Anki asks you a question and you have to remember the answer. This is more powerful than passive learning and improves your memory.

When you retrieve information from your brain, you strengthen your ability to retain information and create connections in your brain between different concepts.

  1. Spaced Repetition

Spaced repetition introduces new concepts in batches to you. A flashcard appears and if you know the answer the flashcard moves to the next batch. This batch will be shown to you at a later time. The more often you answer correctly the later the intervals become.

However, should you answer wrongly, the flashcard moves to the first batch again, and you will see it more often.

This system finds its origins in the spacing effect. The spacing effect illustrates how people learn better if reviews are spread out over time.

  1. Ease

Anki takes care of all your scheduling. There’s no need to calculate when you need to practice which cards. Furthermore, Anki is available on both iOS and Android users, so you can download it on your smartphone and use it wherever you are.

Card Structure of the Italian A1 Vocabulary Anki Deck

All words in the Italian A1 Vocabulary Anki Deck are used in sentences to help you learn them in context. Each flashcard includes an image, IPA notation, and an audio file.

The image allows you to create a better memory with the word/concept that you are studying. You are linking a concept with a certain image.

The IPA notation is so you can know exactly how something is pronounced and be able to repeat that pronunciation yourself.

The audio file allows you to understand how something is pronounced in Italian. This will help you to improve your Italian comprehension.

Here is an extract, so you can hear what the audio sounds like in the Italian A1 Vocabulary Anki Deck. The IPA notation has been added too. There is also audio for the words and the plural versions of those words.

Questo è un tavolo di antiquariato.

kwesto ɛ un tavɔlo di antikwaɾjato

Vorrei una bottiglia d’acqua.

vorːrɛːi una botːtiʎʎa dakkwa.

There are 2 card types in the Italian A1 Vocabulary Anki Deck.

  1. Conjugate/Fill in the blank

On the front side, you will find a sentence in both Italian and English

In the Italian sentence, the words you need to know are missing and represented as underscores. In the English sentence, the words you need to know are bolded and underlined. You should determine what belongs in place of the underscores.

On the back, you will see the Italian sentence, the IPA notation of the sentence, the English translation of the sentence, and an audio file of the Italian sentence.

You will also see just the Italian word, the IPA notation of the word, the English translation of the word, and an audio file of the Italian word.

This gives you the opportunity to see and hear the word in a sentence and just by itself.

Please note how “una bottiglia” is colour-coded in pink to indicate its feminine gender. All nouns are colour-coded as blue for masculine and pink for feminine. This will help you remember the gender of nouns more easily.

  1. Type the correct Italian word

This is the same as the first card, however in this one, you have to type the correct word. You will see if you made any errors, or if you were correct.

This helps improve your writing skills in Italian.

Course Content of the Italian A1 Vocabulary Anki Deck

The Italian A1 Vocabulary Anki Deck contains a total of 1858 Flashcards across 9 chapters, which are further divided into a total of 28 lessons.

Every chapter has 1 lesson except for the nouns chapter, which contains 20 lessons. These 20 lessons correspond to the 20 categories into which the nouns are divided.

I am going to show you exactly what’s inside the Italian A1 Vocabulary Anki Deck, chapter by chapter.

Please note that for every sentence there are 2 card types.

The card types have been explained in the previous chapter.

Chapter 1: Pronouns

The first chapter of the Italian A1 Vocabulary Anki Deck is about subject pronouns!

The chapter has 16 Flashcards.

These are the words that you will be learning:

Iyou (singular / informal)
you (singular / formal you)he
you (plural)they

Chapter 2: Conjunctions

The second chapter of the Italian A1 Vocabulary Anki Deck is about conjunctions!

The chapter has 15 Flashcards.

These are the words that you will be learning:


Chapter 3: Verbs

The third chapter of the Italian A1 Vocabulary Anki Deck is about verbs!

The chapter has 306 Flashcards.

These are the words that you will be learning:

to addto agree
to answerto arrive
to askto become
to beginto believe
to bringto build
to buyto call
to carryto check
to chooseto clean
to climbto close
to cometo compare
to completeto cook
to correctto cost
to createto cut
to danceto decide
to describeto design
to dieto discuss
to drawto drink
to driveto eat
to emailto end
to enjoyto exercise
to explainto fall
to feelto fill
to findto finish
to flyto follow
to forgetto get
to giveto go
to growto guess
to happento hate
to haveto hear
to helpto hope
to imagineto improve
to includeto interview
to introduceto join
to keepto know
to laughto learn
to leaveto let
to lie (to be in or put yourself into a flat position)to like (find somebody/something pleasant)
to listto listen
to liveto look
to loseto love
to maketo match
to meanto meet
to missto move
to nameto need
to opento order
to paintto park
to payto phone
to planto play
to postto practice
to preferto prepare
to putto rain
to readto relax
to rememberto repeat
to returnto ride
to runto say
to seeto sell
to sendto share
to shopto show
to singto sit
to sleepto snow
to speakto spell
to spendto stand
to startto stay
to stopto study
to swimto take
to talkto teach
to tellto test
to thankto think
to travelto try
to turnto understand
to useto visit
to waitto wake
to walkto want
to washto watch
to wearto win
to workto write

Chapter 4: Nouns

The fourth chapter of the Italian A1 Vocabulary Anki Deck is about nouns!

Nouns are categorized into 20 different categories, such as location, jobs, transportation, and more. Each category has its own dedicated lesson.

The chapter has 942 Flashcards.

These are the words that you will be learning:

the actionthe activity
the actorthe address
the adultthe advice
the afternoonthe age
the airthe airport
the animalthe answer
the apartmentthe apple
Aprilthe area
the armthe art
the articlethe artist
Augustthe aunt
the autumnthe baby
the bagthe ball
the bananathe band
the bank (money)the bath
the bathroomthe beach
the bedthe bedroom
the beerthe beginning
the bicyclethe bill
the chairthe birthday
the blogthe boat
the bodythe book
the bootthe bottle
the boxthe boy
the boyfriendthe bread
the breakthe breakfast
the brotherthe building
the busthe business
the butterthe café
the cakethe camera
the capital (of a country)the car
the cardthe career
the carrotthe cat
the CDthe cent
th centrethe century
the classroomthe chart
the cheesethe chicken
the childthe chocolate
the cinemathe city
the classFebruary
the clockthe clothes
the clubthe coat
the coffeethe college [UK: university]
the colourthe company
the computerthe concert
the conversationthe cooking
the costthe country
the coursethe cousin
the cowthe cream
the culturethe cup
the customerthe dad
the dancethe dancer
the dancingthe date (romance)
the date (time)the daughter
the dayDecember
the descriptionthe design
the deskthe detail
the dialoguethe dictionary
the dietthe difference
the dinnerthe dish
the doctorthe dog
the dollarthe door
the dressthe drink
the driverthe DVD
the earthe east
the eggthe elephant
the emailthe end
the eurothe evening
the eventthe exam
the examplethe eye
the facethe fact
the familythe farm
the farmerthe father
the historythe feeling
the festivalthe film
the firethe fish
the flat (home)the flight
the floorthe flower
the foodthe foot
the footballthe form
the Fridaythe friend
the frontthe fruit
the funthe future
the gamethe garden
the geographythe girl
the girlfriendthe glass
the grandfatherthe grandmother
the grandparentthe group
the guessthe guitar
the gymthe hair
the halfthe hand
the hatthe head
the healththe photograph
the hobbythe holiday
the homethe homework
the horsethe hospital
the hotelthe hour
the housethe husband
the icethe ice cream
the ideathe information
the interest (wanting to know more)the internet
the interview (formal meeting)the interview (journalism)
the islandthe jacket
Januarythe jeans
the jobthe journey
the juiceJuly
Junethe key
the kilometrethe kind (type)
the kitchenthe land
the languagethe laugh
the legthe lesson
the letter (alphabet)the letter (written note)
the librarythe life
the lightthe line
the lionthe list
the lovethe lunch
the machinethe magazine
the manthe map
Marchthe market
the match (contest)May
the mealthe meaning
the meatthe meeting
the memberthe menu
the messagethe metre
the midnightthe mile
the milkthe minute
the mistakethe model (example to copy)
the model (fashion)the model (small copy)
the momentthe Monday
the moneythe month
the morningthe mother
the mountainthe mouse
the mouththe movie
the museumthe music
the namethe neighbour
the news (information on television/radio/newspapers about important things that have just happened)the news (new information)
the newspaperthe night
the norththe order (controlled state)
the order (instructions)the order (purchase)
the pagethe paint
the paintingthe pair
the paperthe paragraph
the parentthe park
the partthe partner
the partythe passport
the pastthe pen
the pencilthe people
the pepper (spice)the pepper [UK: sweet pepper] [US: bell pepper]
the periodthe person
the phonethe programme
the phrasethe piano
the picturethe piece
the pigthe place
the planthe plane
the plantthe play
the playerthe point (opinion/fact)
the policethe policeman
the poolthe post
the potatothe pound (weight)
the practicethe present (gift)
the present (time)the price
the problemthe product
the programmethe project
the quarter (maths)the quarter (time)
the questionthe radio
the rainthe reader
the readingthe reason
the report (news)the report (study)
the restaurantthe result
the ricethe river
the roadthe room
the routinethe rule
the saladthe salt
the sandwichthe Saturday
the schoolthe science
the scientistthe sea
the second (time)the section
the sentenceSeptember
the sheepthe shirt
the shoethe shop
the shoppingthe show
the showerthe singer
the sisterthe situation
the skillthe skirt
the snakethe snow
the sonthe song
the soundthe soup
the souththe space (empty area)
the space (outer area)the spelling
the sportthe spring
the starthe statement
the stationthe story
the streetthe student
the stylethe subject (school)
the subject (theme/topic)the success
the sugarthe summer
th sunthe Sunday
the supermarketthe sweater
the tablethe taxi
the teathe teacher
the teamteenager
the telephonethe television
the tennisthe test
the textthe theatre
the thingthe Thursday
the ticketthe time
the titlethe toilet
the tomatothe tomorrow
the tonightthe tooth
the topicthe tourist
the townthe traffic
the trainthe tree
the tripthe trouser [US: pants]
the T-shirtthe Tuesday
the TVthe type
the umbrellathe uncle
the universitythe vacation
the vegetablethe video
the villagethe visitor
the waiterthe wall
the typethe umbrella
the unclethe university
the vacationthe vegetable
the videothe village
the visitorthe waiter
the wallthe water
the way (manner)the way (path)
the weatherthe website
the Wednesdaythe week
the weekendthe west
the wifethe window
the winethe winter
the womanthe word
the workerthe world
the writerthe writing
the year

Chapter 5: Adjectives

The fifth chapter of the Italian A1 Vocabulary Anki Deck is about adjectives!

The chapter has 244 Flashcards.

These are the words that you will be learning:

blackblond / blonde
finefree (not controlled)
free (price)friendly
hard (difficult)hard (solid/stiff)
light (weight)light (vs dark)
niceold (vs young)
open (accessible)opposite

Chapter 6: Adverbs

The sixth chapter of the Italian A1 Vocabulary Anki Deck is about adverbs!

The chapter has 90 Flashcards.

These are the words that you will be learning:

o’clockoff (a device is turned off)
oftenon (a device is turned on)

Chapter 7: Prepositions

The seventh chapter of the Italian A1 Vocabulary Anki Deck is about prepositions!

The chapter has 48 Flashcards.

These are the words that you will be learning:

like (similar)near
next toon (position of something)

Chapter 8: Determiners

The eighth chapter of the Italian A1 Vocabulary Anki Deck is about determiners!

The chapter has 36 Flashcards.

These are the words that you will be learning:

hislast (final)

Chapter 9: Numbers

The ninth chapter of the Italian A1 Vocabulary Anki Deck is about numbers!

The chapter has 110 Flashcards.

These are the words that you will be learning:

10000100000 (hundred thousand)
1000000 (million)1000000000 (billion)

This course is for you if

YOu are a beginner

Did you just start with Italian? Perfect, this is exactly where you need to start. This is the perfect beginner level Deck.

You need a refresher

You studied Italian a long time ago. Perhaps in school or in university, and you have forgotten a lot of concepts. This Deck will help you a lot.

Have difficulties with Vocabulary

When it comes to vocabulary you are unsure and make mistakes. This Deck has an overview of the words in Italian A1, so this is excellent for you, and will help you improve your Italian.

Keep forgetting what you studied

This Deck introduces the Italian language from its core and is incredibly intuitive. Even more so, Anki is designed in such a way for you to optimize your retention. You will no longer keep forgetting what you studied!

This course is not for you if

YOu are an Intermediate

You already know many Italian words. You have studied Italian for some time now. 

You are an expert

You have studied Italian for years and already know all the important words in Italian.

You are looking for a magic bullet

There is no magic bullet that will magically make you fluent in a language. Anki is a great system, and the Deck will help a lot, but is still requires effort on your part.

Not willing to commit to learning Italian

Learning Italian requires you to study on a daily basis. If you don’t want to work on improving your Italian then this Deck cannot help you. Improvement requires work.

Italian A1 Vocabulary Anki

99 .
  • All Of The 929 Words for Italian A1
  • 1858 Flashcards
  • 9 Chapters
  • 28 Lessons
  • High Quality Audio
  • High Quality Images
  • IPA Notation
  • 14 Day Money Back Guarantee
  • One Time Payment

Yes, of course! Once you have purchased the Anki Deck, you are free to edit whatever you want.

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Feel free to send me an email if you want to know anything, or have any doubts. My email adress is

I made this course in such a way that it’s very easy to use for everyone. I even let my grandmother check it to see if see could understand/use it and everything was fine! If you were able to get to this page, then you will be able to use the Deck without any problems!

Yes, it is possible to try a deck before buying one.

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