Quantitative Adjectives in Spanish [+20 Examples & Quiz]

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In this Spanish grammar lesson, you will learn how to about quantitative adjectives in Spanish.

In this lesson you will learn about:

  • quantitative adjectives in Spanish
  • how the quantitative adjectives in Spanish are used in sentences
  • how you can quiz yourself on quantitative adjectives in Spanish
  • how you can practice with flashcards on quantitative adjectives in Spanish
  • how and why you should use the courses of Language Atlas to learn Spanish

By the end of the lesson you will know all about quantitative adjectives in Spanish

Table of Contents

Introduction to Quantitative Adjectives in Spanish

In this lesson you will learn about quantitative adjectives in Spanish.

The quantitative adjectives in Spanish are ordered from least to most.

Every example will have tables and examples with the quantitative adjectives in Spanish to make things very clear for you!

When you are done you can also do a quiz on quantitative adjectives in Spanish!

Poco, Poca, Pocos, Pocas + [Noun] = Few/Little/Not Much/Not Many + [Noun]

Singularpocopocalittle/not much (of)
Pluralpocospocasfew/not many (of)

You will use poco and poca with a singular noun to say little/not much (of).

You will use pocos and pocas with a plural noun to say few/not many (of).

Here are some examples:

Tengo poco aceite, necesito comprar más para poder cocinar.

I have little oil, I need to buy more to cook.

Laura bebe muy poca agua. El médico le ha dicho que tiene que beber más.

Laura drinks very little water. The doctor has told her that she needs to drink more.

Tenemos pocos amigos, pero son como nuestra familia.

We have few friends, but they are like our family.

Hay pocas oportunidades de trabajo para los jovenes en España.

There are little job opportunities for young people in Spain.

Bastante, Bastantes + [Noun] = Enough (of) + [Noun]

Singularbastanteenough (of)/a lot
Pluralbastantesenough (of)/a lot

You will use bastante with a singular noun to say enough (of).

You will use bastantes with a plural noun to say enough (of).

Sometimes bastante(s) will also be used for “a large amount” or “a lot”.

Here are some examples:

Tengo bastante tiempo.

I have enough time.

En mi ciudad hay bastantes tiendas.

In my city there are enough stores.

Ha comido bastante.

She has eaten quite a bit/a lot.

Suficiente, Suficientes + [Noun] = Enough (of)/Sufficient + [Noun]

Singularsuficienteenough (of)/sufficient
Pluralsuficientesenough (of)/sufficient

You will use suficiente with a singular noun to say enough (of)/sufficient.

You will use suficientes with a plural noun to say enough (of)/sufficient.

Here are some examples:

¿Tenéis suficiente arroz para hacer la paella?

Do you have enough rice to make the paella? (you=vosotros)

No hemos comprado suficientes tomates. No puedo hacer el gazpacho.

We have not bought enough tomatoes. I can’t make the gazpacho.

Mucho, Mucha, Muchos, Muchas + [Noun] = Much/Many/A lot of + [Noun]

Singularmuchomuchamuch/a lot of
Pluralmuchosmuchasmany/a lot of

You will use mucho and mucha with a singular noun to say much/a lot of.

You will use muchos and muchas with a plural noun to say many/a lot of.

Here are some examples:

Antonio tiene mucho dinero. Trabaja en una gran empresa.

Antonio has a lot of money. He works in a big company.

Tú tienes mucha ropa. ¿Por qué no donas alguna?

You have so many clothes, why don’t you donate some?

Tengo muchos primos. En Navidad siempre cenamos todos juntos.

I have many cousins. At Christmas we always have dinner together.

Hoy en día hay muchas posibilidades para aprender idiomas.

Nowadays there are many possibilities to learn languages.

Tanto, Tanta, Tantos, Tantas + [Noun] = So Much/So Many + [Noun]

Singulartantotantaso much
Pluraltantostantasso many

You will use tanto and tanta with a singular noun to say so much.

You will use tantos and tantas with a plural noun to say so many.

Here are some examples:

Tomar tanto el sol no es bueno.

So much sunbathing is not good.

No eches tanta sal a la comida.

Don’t put too much salt in the food.

Hay tantos restaurantes en la zona, que no puedo decidirme por uno.

There are so many restaurants in the area, I can’t decide on one.

Tiene tantas pesadillas que no puede dormir bien por las noches.

He has so many nightmares that he can’t sleep well at night.

Demasiado, Demasiada, Demasiados, Demasiadas + [Noun] = Too Much/Too Many + [Noun]

Singulardemasiadodemasiadatoo much (of)
Pluraldemasiadosdemasiadastoo many (of)

You will use demasiado and demasiada with a singular noun to say so much.

You will use demasiados and demasiadas with a plural noun to say so many.

Here are some examples:

Tengo demasiado trabajo. Necesito organizarme.

I have too much work to do. I need to get organised.

Tienes demasiada comida en la nevera.

You have too much food in the fridge. (you=tú)

Ellos tienen demasiados coches.

They have too many cars.

Anoche tomamos demasiadas cervezas. Me duele la cabeza.

We had too many beers last night. My head hurts.

Example Sentences on Quantitative Adjectives in Spanish

This section of the lesson on quantitative adjectives in Spanish is about seeing them used in sentences.

This is valuable because you can improve your understanding of quantitative adjectives in Spanish through examples.

Tengo poco aceite, necesito comprar más para poder cocinar.

I have little oil, I need to buy more to cook.

Laura bebe muy poca agua. El médico le ha dicho que tiene que beber más.

Laura drinks very little water. The doctor has told her that she needs to drink more.

Tenemos pocos amigos, pero son como nuestra familia.

We have few friends, but they are like our family.

Hay pocas oportunidades de trabajo para los jovenes en España.

There are little job opportunities for young people in Spain.

Tengo bastante tiempo.

I have enough time.

En mi ciudad hay bastantes tiendas.

In my city there are enough stores.

¿Tenéis suficiente arroz para hacer la paella?

Do you have enough rice to make the paella? (you=vosotros)

No hemos comprado suficientes tomates. No puedo hacer el gazpacho.

We have not bought enough tomatoes. I can’t make the gazpacho.

Antonio tiene mucho dinero. Trabaja en una gran empresa.

Antonio has a lot of money. He works in a big company.

Tú tienes mucha ropa. ¿Por qué no donas alguna?

You have so many clothes, why don’t you donate some?

Tengo muchos primos. En Navidad siempre cenamos todos juntos.

I have many cousins. At Christmas we always have dinner together.

Hoy en día hay muchas posibilidades para aprender idiomas.

Nowadays there are many possibilities to learn languages.

Antonio tiene mucho dinero. Trabaja en una gran empresa.

Antonio has a lot of money. He works in a big company.

Tú tienes mucha ropa. ¿Por qué no donas alguna?

You have so many clothes, why don’t you donate some?

Tengo muchos primos. En Navidad siempre cenamos todos juntos.

I have many cousins. At Christmas we always have dinner together.

Hoy en día hay muchas posibilidades para aprender idiomas.

Nowadays there are many possibilities to learn languages.

Tomar tanto el sol no es bueno.

So much sunbathing is not good.

No eches tanta sal a la comida.

Don’t put too much salt in the food.

Hay tantos restaurantes en la zona, que no puedo decidirme por uno.

There are so many restaurants in the area, I can’t decide on one.

Tiene tantas pesadillas que no puede dormir bien por las noches.

He has so many nightmares that he can’t sleep well at night.

Tengo demasiado trabajo. Necesito organizarme.

I have too much work to do. I need to get organised.

Tienes demasiada comida en la nevera.

You have too much food in the fridge. (you=tú)

Ellos tienen demasiados coches.

They have too many cars.

Anoche tomamos demasiadas cervezas. Me duele la cabeza.

We had too many beers last night. My head hurts.

Quiz Yourself on Quantitative Adjectives in Spanish

At the end of every lesson you can do a small quiz.

You will see the sentences of the previous chapter.

You will either need to fill in the blanks, choose the correct multiple choice option, or both.

Once you are done the correct answer will be shown.

You can redo the quiz as many times as you want!

How to Practice With Flashcards for This Lesson

Using flashcards is an absolute necessity when it comes to learning a language!

It is the best way to memorize what you learn, you can personalize your progression because it adapts to your actions, and all flashcards have audio to improve your hearing and pronunciation.

Please read our article on how to learn a new language for more information on flashcards and the best way to learn a new language.

There are two ways to practice with Flashcards for this lesson.

  1. Anki
  2. The Flashcards in our Courses

Anki is a free software with which you can create and practice flashcards.

After you have downloaded Anki for free, you can get our Spanish A2 Anki Deck.

This Anki Deck contains 3,568 flashcards with which you can practice absolutely everything for Spanish A2.

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So I thought, “why not make something myself?“.

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