In this Spanish grammar lesson, you will learn how to say to become in Spanish.
In this lesson you will learn about:
- how to say to become in Spanish
- how to become in Spanish are used in sentences
- how you can quiz yourself on to become in Spanish
- how you can practice with flashcards on to become in Spanish
- how and why you should use the courses of Language Atlas to learn Spanish
By the end of the lesson you will know all about to become in Spanish!
Table of Contents
To Become in Spanish = Hacerse/Convertirse En/Ponerse/Quedarse
There are 4 different verbs that mean “to become” in Spanish.
- hacerse = to become
- convertirse (en) = to become
- ponerse = to become
- quedarse = to become
Knowing which one to use can be tricky.
Therefore we will go over each one and explain what they mean, naturally there will be examples too.
- hacerse = to become
You will use hacerse when talking about religion, ideology, and jobs/professions.
Here are some examples:
Mis padres se hicieron ateos después de casarse.
My parents became atheists after they got married.
Mi hermana se ha hecho rica con su nueva patente.
My sister has become rich with her new patent.
Mario va a hacerse abogado. Empezará la universidad el año que viene.
Mario is going to become a lawyer. He will start university next year.
Todos mis compañeros de piso se han hecho veganos.
All my flatmates have become vegan.
- convertirse (en) = to become
You will use convertirse (en) when talking about a big change in job/profession or personality.
Here are some examples:
Voy a convertirme en una gran periodista.
I am going to become a great journalist.
Mi abuela se convirtió en enfermera tras ayudar durante la guerra.
My grandmother became a nurse after helping during the war.
Hacerse and convertirse en are generally interchangeable, however convertise en indicates a bigger change.
- ponerse = to become
You will use ponerse when talking about a temporary change in physical condition, health, or mood.
Here are some examples:
Me he puesto roja de la vergüenza.
I have turned red with embarrassment.
Se han puesto muy contentos con la noticia.
They got very happy with the news.
Carlos se ha puesto muy fuerte. Se nota que entrena a diario.
Carlos has become very strong. You can tell he trains every day.
Nos hemos puesto muy nerviosos cuando nos tocaba hablar.
We became very nervous when it was our turn to speak.
- quedarse = to become
You will use quedarse when talking about a permanent change in physical condition.
Here are some examples:
Mi padre se quedó calvo a los veinticinco años.
My father went bald at the age of twenty-five.
Mi prima mayor se ha quedado embarazada de mellizos.
My older cousin is pregnant with twins.
Example Sentences with To Become in Spanish
This section of the lesson on to become in Spanish is about seeing the idioms used in sentences.
This is valuable because you can improve your understanding of to become in Spanish through examples.
Mis padres se hicieron ateos después de casarse.
My parents became atheists after they got married.
Mi hermana se ha hecho rica con su nueva patente.
My sister has become rich with her new patent.
Mario va a hacerse abogado. Empezará la universidad el año que viene.
Mario is going to become a lawyer. He will start university next year.
Todos mis compañeros de piso se han hecho veganos.
All my flatmates have become vegan.
Voy a convertirme en una gran periodista.
I am going to become a great journalist.
Mi abuela se convirtió en enfermera tras ayudar durante la guerra.
My grandmother became a nurse after helping during the war.
Me he puesto roja de la vergüenza.
I have turned red with embarrassment.
Se han puesto muy contentos con la noticia.
They got very happy with the news.
Carlos se ha puesto muy fuerte. Se nota que entrena a diario.
Carlos has become very strong. You can tell he trains every day.
Nos hemos puesto muy nerviosos cuando nos tocaba hablar.
We became very nervous when it was our turn to speak.
Mi padre se quedó calvo a los veinticinco años.
My father went bald at the age of twenty-five.
Mi prima mayor se ha quedado embarazada de mellizos.
My older cousin is pregnant with twins.
Quiz Yourself on To Become in Spanish
At the end of every lesson you can do a small quiz.
You will see the sentences of the previous chapter.
You will either need to fill in the blanks, choose the correct multiple choice option, or both.
Once you are done the correct answer will be shown.
You can redo the quiz as many times as you want!
How to Practice With Flashcards for This Lesson
Using flashcards is an absolute necessity when it comes to learning a language!
It is the best way to memorize what you learn, you can personalize your progression because it adapts to your actions, and all flashcards have audio to improve your hearing and pronunciation.
Please read our article on how to learn a new language for more information on flashcards and the best way to learn a new language.
There are two ways to practice with Flashcards for this lesson.
- Anki
- The Flashcards in our Courses
Anki is a free software with which you can create and practice flashcards.
After you have downloaded Anki for free, you can get our Spanish B2 Anki Deck.
This Anki Deck contains 1,376 flashcards with which you can practice absolutely everything for Spanish B2.
All the flashcards have text, images, explanations, and audio.
You can also use our courses that have flashcards integrated alongside lessons with audio, quizzes and much more!
However, I am sure you are wondering, what are your courses, and why should I take them?
The Courses of Language Atlas
Have you ever wondered what the best way is to learn a new language?
I have been learning languages for over 20+ years and I was always frustrated with books, courses, and classes that I had tried.
It never really seemed to work for me.
I wanted to learn a language in the most effective and efficient way, and there was nothing out there for me.
So I thought, “why not make something myself?“.
Using my experience and by doing research I created Language Atlas, a platform where people can learn French and Spanish in the most effective and efficient way.
I created free lessons and quizzes so that there would always be an easy and accessible way for people to learn or brush up on their language skills.
However, I also created courses that are much more comprehensive and in-depth.
These courses are easy to follow, clear, and allow you to become fluent in the most effective and efficient way.
The courses of Language Atlas have:
- 800+ Lessons with audio
- 800+ Quizzes
- 10,000 Flashcards with explanations, images, and audio
- A gamified way of learning a new language
- A vibrant community (including support from me)
You can register for free and try the French A0/A1 and Spanish A0/A1 Courses for free!
This includes over 60 lessons and quizzes, 500 flashcards that adapt to how you learn, and access to the community (including support from me).
All you have to do is study 30 minutes a day and you will be fluent in no time!
Don’t miss out – register for free and start learning!