Cuanto vs Cuánto: This Is The Difference [+20 Examples & Quiz]

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In this grammar lesson, you will learn about cuanto vs cuánto.

In this lesson you will learn about:

  • cuanto vs cuánto
  • how cuanto vs cuánto is used in sentences
  • how you can quiz yourself on cuanto vs cuánto
  • how you can practice with flashcards on cuanto vs cuánto
  • how and why you should use the courses of Language Atlas to learn Spanish

By the end of the lesson, you will know all about cuanto vs cuánto in Spanish!

Table of Contents

Cuanto [No Accent]


When you use “cuanto” in Spanish it means:

  • cuanto = all/as much/as many…

Please have a look at the following examples:

Compramos cuantas plantas pudimos. ¡Eran todas preciosas!

We bought as many plants as we could – they were all beautiful!

Se llevaron cuanta bebida pudieron.

They took as much drink as they could.

Vino a mi casa cuantas veces quiso.

He came to my house as often as he wanted.

Hacemos cuanto podemos por ayudarle, señor.

We are doing all we can to help you, sir.

You can also use todo to say the same thing, however cuanto is somewhat more formal than todo.

Vino a mi casa cuantas veces quiso.

He came to my house as often as he wanted.

Vino a mi casa todas las veces que quiso.

He came to my house as often as he wanted.

You will also see todo/toda/todos/todas used with cuanto. Then it will mean “everything/all”.

Aprendo todo cuanto necesito saber y tengo todo cuanto necesito tener.

I learn everything I need to know and have everything I need to have.

Todo cuanto tengo se lo debo a mi familia.

I owe everything I have to my family.

Cuánto [With An Accent]


When you use “cuánto” in Spanish it means:

  • cuánto = how much/how many

Cuánto will be used with exclamatory sentences and direct/indirect questions.

Please have a look at the following examples:

Exclamatory sentences

¡Cuánta felicidad se nota en el ambiente!

How much happiness is in the air!

¡Cuántos mosquitos! ¿De dónde han salido?

So many mosquitoes! Where did they come from?

Direct Questions

¿Cuánto te ha costado el coche nuevo?

How much did the new car cost you?

¿Cuántas veces tengo que decirte que no?

How many times do I have to say no to you?

¿Cuántos pares de zapatos tienes en ese armario?

How many pairs of shoes do you have in that wardrobe?

¿Cuánta presión puede soportar una persona?

How much pressure can one person withstand?

Indirect questions

Me pregunto cuánta presión puede soportar una persona.

I wonder how much pressure a person can take.

Dime cuántas hectáreas se han quemado el incendio.

Tell me how many hectares the fire has burnt.

Quisiera saber cuánto has pagado por el coche nuevo.

I would like to know how much you paid for the new car.

When used as an adjective, it always agrees with the noun that it accompanies:

You can also use it as a pronoun:

Quería encargar unos bocadillos para ir a recoger. -¿Cuántos?

I wanted to order some sandwiches to pick up. – How many?

Vinieron bastantes personas a la presentación del libro -¿Cuántas?

Quite a few people came to the book launch – How many?

Me compré este reloj en Asos. Costó muy poco. -¿Cuánto?

I bought this watch from Asos. It cost very little. -How much?

¿Cuánto has tardado?

How long did it take you?

Example Sentences on Cuanto vs Cuánto

This section of the lesson on cuanto vs cuánto is about seeing the indefinite adjectives used in sentences.

This is valuable because you can improve your understanding of cuanto vs cuánto through examples.

Compramos cuantas plantas pudimos. ¡Eran todas preciosas!

We bought as many plants as we could – they were all beautiful!

Se llevaron cuanta bebida pudieron.

They took as much drink as they could.

Vino a mi casa cuantas veces quiso.

He came to my house as often as he wanted.

Hacemos cuanto podemos por ayudarle, señor.

We are doing all we can to help you, sir.

Vino a mi casa cuantas veces quiso.

He came to my house as often as he wanted.

Vino a mi casa todas las veces que quiso.

He came to my house as often as he wanted.

Aprendo todo cuanto necesito saber y tengo todo cuanto necesito tener.

I learn everything I need to know and have everything I need to have.

Todo cuanto tengo se lo debo a mi familia.

I owe everything I have to my family.

¡Cuánta felicidad se nota en el ambiente!

How much happiness is in the air!

¡Cuántos mosquitos! ¿De dónde han salido?

So many mosquitoes! Where did they come from?

¿Cuánto te ha costado el coche nuevo?

How much did the new car cost you?

¿Cuántas veces tengo que decirte que no?

How many times do I have to say no to you?

¿Cuántos pares de zapatos tienes en ese armario?

How many pairs of shoes do you have in that wardrobe?

¿Cuánta presión puede soportar una persona?

How much pressure can one person withstand?

Me pregunto cuánta presión puede soportar una persona.

I wonder how much pressure a person can take.

Dime cuántas hectáreas se han quemado el incendio.

Tell me how many hectares the fire has burnt.

Quisiera saber cuánto has pagado por el coche nuevo.

I would like to know how much you paid for the new car.

Quería encargar unos bocadillos para ir a recoger. -¿Cuántos?

I wanted to order some sandwiches to pick up. – How many?

Vinieron bastantes personas a la presentación del libro -¿Cuántas?

Quite a few people came to the book launch – How many?

Me compré este reloj en Asos. Costó muy poco. -¿Cuánto?

I bought this watch from Asos. It cost very little. -How much?

¿Cuánto has tardado?

How long did it take you?

Quiz Yourself on Cuanto vs Cuánto

At the end of every lesson, you can do a small quiz.

You will see the sentences of the previous chapter.

You will either need to fill in the blanks, choose the correct multiple choice option, or both.

Once you are done the correct answer will be shown.

You can redo the quiz as many times as you want!

How to Practice With Flashcards for This Lesson

Using flashcards is an absolute necessity when it comes to learning a language!

It is the best way to memorize what you learn, you can personalize your progression because it adapts to your actions, and all flashcards have audio to improve your hearing and pronunciation.

Please read our article on how to learn a new language for more information on flashcards and the best way to learn a new language.

There are two ways to practice with Flashcards for this lesson.

  1. Anki
  2. The Flashcards in our Courses

Anki is a free software with which you can create and practice flashcards.

After you have downloaded Anki for free, you can get our Spanish B1 Anki Deck.

This Anki Deck contains 2,052 flashcards with which you can practice absolutely everything for Spanish B1.

All the flashcards have text, images, explanations, and audio.

You can also use our courses that have flashcards integrated alongside lessons with audio, quizzes and much more!

However, I am sure you are wondering, what are your courses, and why should I take them?

The Courses of Language Atlas

Have you ever wondered what the best way is to learn a new language?

I have been learning languages for over 20+ years and I was always frustrated with books, courses, and classes that I had tried.

It never really seemed to work for me.

I wanted to learn a language in the most effective and efficient way, and there was nothing out there for me.

So I thought, “why not make something myself?“.

Using my experience and by doing research I created Language Atlas, a platform where people can learn French and Spanish in the most effective and efficient way.

I created free lessons and quizzes so that there would always be an easy and accessible way for people to learn or brush up on their language skills.

However, I also created courses that are much more comprehensive and in-depth.

These courses are easy to follow, clear, and allow you to become fluent in the most effective and efficient way.

The courses of Language Atlas have:

  • 800+ Lessons with audio
  • 800+ Quizzes
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  • A gamified way of learning a new language
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