Spanish Adjectives and Adverbs Overview

This is the Spanish Adjectives and Adverbs Overview.

The Spanish adjectives and adverbs are ordered according to the CEFR level scale.

What Are Adjectives and Adverbs?

In general, adjectives are words that modify nouns. 

In the sentence “The big man.”, the word “big” is an adjective.

Anytime that you can put “am” or “is” in front of a word, you are dealing with an adjective.

In general. adverbs are words that modify verbs.

In the sentence “He walks slowly.” the word “slowly is an adverb.

A lot of adverbs end with “-ly”.

Learning Path

In A0/A1 you will learn the fundamentals of Spanish adjectives and adverbs.

In A1 you will learn about the beginner’s principles of Spanish adjectives and adverbs.

In A2 you will learn about the elementary principles of Spanish adjectives and adverbs.

In B1 you will learn about the intermediate principles of Spanish adjectives and adverbs.

In B2 you will learn about the upper intermediate principles of Spanish adjectives and adverbs.

In C1 you will learn about the advanced principles of Spanish adjectives and adverbs.

Spanish A1: Adjectives and Adverbs

An Introduction to Spanish Regular Adjectives

Cada + Noun = Each + Noun

Cada and Todos/Tadas [time unit] = Every [time unit]

este/esta/estos/estas = this/these

ese/esa/esos/esas = that/those

How to form regular adverbs that end in -mente

Possessive adjectives = mi/tu/su/…

Mucho vs Muy

más/menos = more/less/fewer

How to use colour

Spanish A2: Adjectives and Adverbs

How to Make Comparisons 

Quantitative Adjectives in Spanish

Here and There

Some or Any

Not Any = Ningún/Ninguna

Spanish Comparative Adjectives

Spanish Quantitative Adverbs

A Complete Guide To Spanish Adjectives

More Than and Less Than in Spanish

Each one of

Me Too and Me Neither

Spanish B1: Adjectives and Adverbs

Spanish Superlatives: The Most/Least + Adjective

Junto/Junta/Juntos/Juntas = Together

Using Past Participles As Adjectives in Spanish

Spanish Long Form Possessive Adjectives

Unos Cuantos/Unas Cuantas = A Few

Cierto/Cierta/Ciertos/Ciertas = Certain

Alguno/Alguna/Algunos/Algunas = One Of/Any Of/Some Of

Cuanto vs Cuánto

Spanish B2: Adjectives and Adverbs

Position of Adjectives in Spanish

Not At All in Spanish = Nada/Nada De

Spanish C1: Adjectives and Adverbs

How to Say Only/Just in Spanish